Saturday, June 9, 2007

Thinking of Christmas already

Well, today we went "yard sale-ing"! I bought enough NWT items to make 2 gift baskets! They will eventually become Christmas gifts. We made our list last night of all those we needed to buy for. We have the majority of it started and some gifts are even complete. Since I am unsure of what the future holds...I thought I had better be prepared this year! Well, the natives are getting restless this is short. If we do anything productive will know about it tonight!

Have a great day!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Missing Joey

Today I am really feeling a hole where my husband should was our son's last gym class and everyone received medals and they did a little performance. You know where this is heading...anyway, a little blue from that. So as I sulked, and wasted most of the day away...I decided to get a load of mulch and take my frustrations out on that. Well, it worked but not until it started raining and I hadn't even really started moving it yet. The more it thundered, the harder and quicker I need for the treadmill tonight! I finished before the real downpour started, so I am thankful for that. I went back and looked at my work and it looked good...I am satisfied it was worth the achy muscles! I feel like I am constantly working, but nothing to show for it. Mow the grass, grass grows, mow the grass, the grass grows...the only time anyone notices is if I don't cut it one week. Again, you know where that's going...

It is not a poor pitiful me's just I miss my husband! When he gets back, I will hug him more! I think that is one of the things I random, he would come up behind me and give me a squeeze...always makes me feel good!

Have a wonderful day...I have to find something else to get in to!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thursday, June 7

'Twas lost, but now found...I tell you I am not computer you know why. I mislocated my blog...I could find it, I just couldn't add any new posts! What a world....

Now, on with it. Like most, I am finishing up the school year with my daughter. We are ready for summer! Ready for the pool, picnics, letterboxing, and anything else life can throw at us. We are going on a storytime cruise next week. Storytime with cookies and have GOT to love that! I think I am as excited as they are!

I have just discovered a new adventure. Scrapbooking! I have only completed one page, but I am hooked. I think if I limit myself to only one page a night it will not become an obsession.

This is short and sweet today. I have to do so many things to do.

Hope you have a wonderful day too!

Monday, January 22, 2007

MONDAY! For sure!

Today I am quite sure was a Monday! Math took the better part of the morning to complete...I am glad we are a week ahead! Anna decided to play the "what if..." and "why" card most of the day. Which is good...I am glad she is using her thinking skills; however, she could have been finished with her work in an hour and had the rest of the day to "question". Oh well, one of those things we learn as we go. Speaking of Anna...the tooth in front just hanging on by a thread...just about got knocked out today. She and Joey were playing bronco horse...of course Joey was on her...Anna raised up to "buck" and evidently lost her balance and popped the bed frame with her face! You know how she is with blood and of course the mouth bleeds so very bad...she went into panic mode! I finally got her under control; meanwhile, the boys are taking things apart in their room...I am glad I just about have everything apart, so they can't hurt themselves.

FlyLady is going to be in Charlotte this weekend! I am thinking about going. I am sure with about a thousand other people, but, oh well. I would like to meet her. By using the "FlyLady theory", we have slowly but surely started cleaning everything out and up. You just will not recognize the place when you return! My sink is shiny and my load of laundry is complete. I may go to bed with a smile on my face!

Lessons are already laid out. We are going to church in the morning after a couple of classes are completed. I need to go to the library there. The boys are excited because there are books available to them also. Anna will be doing her work. I have got to find out if she is to have first confession and communion this year or next. If you go by our books, we can do it this year, but it is according to what Father says. She is more ready than some of the ones I know will be receiving this August.

My goodness...I think I will look at the calendar once more and off to bed I shall go!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What a day!

I knew it was going to be a day when I had to take all 3 out of church! I popped our oldest son and asked him how many more times we were going to have to do this? He thought hard for a minute and said...4. Popped him again! I looked around and noticed it wasn't just our kids...just about every kid in church got taken out at some threatened to leave hers at church!

Well, this is the start of a new week. We have started using the FlyLady concept. So far it is working great! However, instead of throwing usable things away, I have either Freecycled or placed on ebay. That has given me money to eat out on or take the kids to their Saturday appointment at Michaels. Some of the things needing to be tossed that were still in the packages, I made baskets out of these items and sold at the PO. That has been a hoot! I am thinning stuff out while you are may not recognize the place...either that or volunteer for another tour so I can finish!

I am going to write lesson plans and check my auctions now...Have a wonderful night!